Worship Information
Weekly Calendar
9:30 am
Sunday Services and Online Worship
at FPPC Campus. Online worship is offered every week. Click Here to view.
6:30 pm
Virtual Bible Study on Zoom. Reach out to Pastor Kim at revkimfppc@outlook.com for the link.
1:30 pm
In-Person Bible Study
FPPC Campus Conference Room
First Mondays
1:30 pm
Women’s Circle in the Conference Room
Currently studying Sacred Encounters: The Power and Presence of Jesus Christ in Luke-Acts.
Second Sundays
Brunch with the Bible immediately after worship - free brunch and intergenerational lesson or mission project for all ages.
Second Mondays
11:30 am
Lunch Bunch. Location varies every month. A time of fellowship for any who can join us.
11:00 am
Chair Yoga in the hospitality room led by Betty Marr, a certified yoga instructor and church member.
8:30 am
Handbell Choir rehearsal
Note: In-Person and Virtual Bible Study have suspended for the season and will resume the second week of January.
Virtual Bible Study on Nooma
The name NOOMA comes from a phonetic spelling of the Greek word πνευμα (pneuma), meaning "wind or spirit". This video and discussion series is both encouraging and challenging!
Bible Study meets on Tuesday evening at 6:30 on Zoom and Thursday in person in the conference room at 1:30 p.m. Each lesson stands alone, attend when you can! Contact Pastor Kim (revkimfppc@outlook.com) to be included in the weekly update with the Zoom link.
First Thursday
6:00 pm
Second Monday
6:30 pm
Second Tuesday
6:00 pm
Second Wednesday
6:00 pm
Music and Worship
Building and Grounds
Third Sunday
10:45 am
Third Thursday
6:30 pm
Every Tuesday
4:00 pm
Community Conversations